If email marketing is one of your marketing strategies, then email validation should be part of your practice. You will require regular data hygiene. The email address acquisition is an organic process. However, the possibility of getting spam traps is prevalent for the business. The reputation of the company depends much on the spam traps, complaint rate, and bounce rate. Loss of revenue, increased marketing cost, sales inefficiency, and poor customer experience are consequences of an ill-managed email database.
You will require an email validation and verification to turn these negative consequences around. Email validation will first remove the spam trap. These are emails that were once active, but now they are abandoned. When you email them, you are going to get a hard bounce from the internet service provider, and also, you can be blacklisted by the email providers such as google and yahoo. Email validation allows you to reduce this risk. Visit this homepage to get the bets email validation services.
Email is one of the central forms of communication between customers and the business. Email validation is essential to ensure that there is a valid email to the prospect. It is vital to remember that an invalid email address translates to a lost customer because the message will not reach them. A bad email means that there will be an unexpected bounce off the email. It will make the business to lose money. It is estimated that for the bulk emails that the business sends, 25% of the goes bad, which costs the company significantly.
For businesses that deal with millions of emails in their database, latency is always a problem. This email validation service allow you to clear the emails within a short time. The more the cached data, the slower it will be for you to signup, checkout, and submit a page. The validation services provider has a sophisticated system that will handle millions of emails within a short span.
Keeping your email address data clean is one of the essential things a business can do. You should use the email validation tool to clean out the bad email before beginning the next email campaign. Most of the validation tools are real-time and therefore ensuring every new email is scanned. It will remove all those fake accounts, and therefore, there will be no hard bounce. The next important thing is to review the database regularly. You will aim to remove those users who are not interested in your email campaign. The tool will remove any email user who has not been active for the last three months. This page: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Email_authentication highlights more info about this topic, check it out.